Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
Ramble, ramble, ramble...

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What is a ramble? A ramble is a jumble of nonsensicle thoughts strung together by someone who has nothing else better to talk or type about. Almost like a rant in some respects, though rants tend to be about one particular random subject, usual one you dislike, or are complaining about. I tend to make a lot of ramble deadjournal entries, though not very many rants. One of my very few rants, about 9/11, got me in a lot of trouble with a hypocritical American bitch who's name remains annonymous. I'm glad I don't speak to her anymore.
See, that was random, it didn't make sense, but it fitted in to what I'm talking about. Which is nothing.
This is a ramble.
Well actually, no, this is the introduction to the ramble.

This is the ramble. See, rambles can be many different kinds of fun. That is a line picked up off of my girlfriend Abby, althought it's usually used as "so many different kinds of wrong." or "wrong on so many different levels."
We and our communal girlfriend Anna, the youngest of all of us (except for Ben.) all use this phrase now. Especially after the sleepover we had at Abby's which involved us not going to bed, watching Rocky Horror and Practical Magic, eating a 1.2 litre tub of chocolate fudge ice-cream with chocolate fudge sauce and nuts and other things.
Cindy makes really good fudge bikkies. She called them Chocolate Fudgy Wudgies. They're all yummy. I rememeber last year in maths calss she always used to pass around junk food, and in roll call too. She never really wanted too, but she always had heaps and once she gave anything to one person, everyone else had to have some.
Once she spent... it was either $30 or $60 on the class in chocolates. They were tiah maria flavoured. Alcohol is good. Which reminds me of my good friend Keith Wooton. She's a shortarse, just like me. She's all cool and she's not been online for 12 days as far as I can see and that worries me! I ain't heard from her personally in even longer! Keith! Where are you?
But tonight tonight, it's on tonight, I don't want your boring life and I don't want your 9 to 5 or anyone to tell me how to live my life...
I'm listening to Good Charlotte. That was the line I just heard from Festival Song. It's a cool song. Cool fun. That's what Margaret always says. Margaret likes Good Charlotte almost as much as I do. She got me into them in the first place. She had one of their CD's, The Young and the Hopeless and she was playing it when I was at her house for a sleepover. We listened to it for two days stright and when I went home, I just couldn't get the songs out of my head. She burnts me the CD about a month later, when I had bought the single from that album, Lifestyles Of the Rich and Famous and fallen in love with them. I was shocked to learn I already knew all the words from months ago, listening to it for two days straight. It usually takes me longer than that to learn all the lyrics to an album! I now have both of their albums, Good Charlotte (Self Titled.) and The Young and the Hopeless, plus the two singles from The Young and the Hopeless, The Anthem and Lifestyles Of the Rich and Famous.
Other than that I have about 80 CD's, 'cause music is my life. Since before I can remember, I have wanted to learn to play guitar, it's been a lifelong thing. And I started to teach myself the day before my 13th birthday, the st of December, 2001.
I'm not conceited or anything, but for someone who taught themself and knows shit all about music (even if I learned clarinet for 7 years...) I'm fucking good! Heehee! When I grow up, I'm gonna be a famous rock musician. That's what I'm gonna be. I'm gonna make my life doing what I love. And if I can't be a musician, I'm gonna be a record producer. So I can help others acheive what they strive for, making peoples lives so much better with music.
La la la la la la liiiiiiiiieeeeeesssss!!!
Whee, now THAT was random.
"Do you feel special dear child?"
"Indubitably dear girl!"
That's a normal conversation between me and my aformentioned friend Margaret. She's in year 10, she has red hair, blue eyes and glasses. She's in the Mad House, just like me and she probably started it. She hosts all of the Mad House get togethers, because her house is near the school, the place we all know how to get to, her parents are willing to host them and she has a big house with a trampoline (which is like one giant bed, as Elwin and Bryn say. We can get the entire Mad House on it at once!) and a 64, and a NES. It's fun.
What is the Mad House you ask? The Mad House is a group of people from my school, ranging from years 9 to 12, with the 'outcasts' from all of these years in it. We're not exactly outcasts, but we're the people who don't quite fit into the popular groups in our years. Everyone knows us. We're a recognized group of people, we even have a name for ourselves! There's quite a number of us, including:
Bryn (He's new, but he's dating Elwin, so he's inner MH.)
Dean (He's come to several Mad House get togethers.)
Anna K.
(Those in italics are in the Mad House inner circle. We go to the Mad House get togethers and we've been here for the longest.)
That's the Mad House. Aren't we fun? Yay! [dances and skips]
Life hope truth trust faith pride love lust pain hate lies guilt laugh cry life die.
That's my favourite line fom my favourite song, Moving On by Good Charlotte. It's shouted over the bridge. I write it everywhere. On my school books, it's my SN, it's my signature in my hotmail e-mails, I wrote it on the girls toilet walls... etc I love it.
Anton has just signed online. His SN is .:~Tiny Snow Nazi Sugar~:. "No snow for you! :@" (Possibly no Net for 2 days >.< AGHHH)
The :@ makes an angry face on MSN. It's cool fun.
That was a Margaret quote.
"That is the sound of a golfball."
Don't ask. Actually, if you want to know that badly, go here and go to the very earliest entries (if this isn't May 2003, just go to the calendar and click on the entries for May of 2003 to see what I'm talking about.) There's an entry with a very long monologue called Paul Talk typed up. Me and Margaret are striving to get all 12 minutes of this memories. We have about 8 so far.
Paul Talk is stand up comedy routine performed by Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk singing group. One one of their live albums, the last track on one side of a record is Paul Talk. Which me and Margaret listen to way to often to be normal.
She worked out how to hook up a record player to her computer to make the record into an mp3, then burnt Paul Talk on to a CD for me, and one for herself. It's very funky!
I've been going at this ramble for quite a while now. I started when I put on the Good Charlotte CD, Good Charlotte and it's now on the last song, Thank You Mom (yes they are American.). The entire album goes for 44 minutes and 1 second. Pretty short, innit? Compared with The White Album by The Beatles or Quadrophenia and TOMMY by The Who, anyway.
But anyway, this is one of my longest rambles, considering I haven't actually stoped typing since I started, nearly 45 minutes ago. I think I have clearly outline a ramble for you now, and please, hold the applause until the very end.
Thank you, thank you, and good night.

 may applaud now...