Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
Disclaimer - Don't sue me. Please.
Home | &&& | Billy's Ark | Ramble. | Good Charlotte | *Tessa and Aura* | Steve's International Best-Seller | "The Punk And the Drill Sergeant." | "Sex, Drugs and Apple Pie." | "They Are All In Love." | Pointless Fiction | "John's Analysis Of Everyone." | "Pete's Analysis Of Everyone." | "One At A Time" | "One At A Time Part Two" | One, two. Count 'em. One. Two! | "LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!" | Updates (Updated 29th/30th December 2003.) | "John Entwistle Goes To Heaven" | Drunk Songs | Guestbook | All Around Aura | Quotes and Convos | The White Pants | Disclaimer | Lost? Guide!
I own JACK ALL. B. 70 cents the next door neighbour gave me to take my brother out for ice-cream 'cause Mam was skint. D. The notebooks I'm using to write my fanfic "A Present Aura" in, and I need them! It's 162 pages long, I
ain't giving up now! E. The snare drums that sits in the middle of my room that I constantly trip over because it is detached tfrom
the rest of the kit. F. My beloved vinyl of "Empty Glass" I loved it to bits and I'm sooooooo madly in *heart* with the picture
on the back. |