Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
The White Pants

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The White Pants

By Aura the Rock Starr


(PETE standing in the middle of his bedroom, pant-less)

PETE: Aura, 'ave you seen me white pants?

AURA: *enters room* I saw them last night when you took them off! *giggling*

PETE: *rolls eyes* Yeh, but now where are they?

AURA: *shrugs* How should I know? *skips out of room*

PETE: *goes to cupboard* Oh well, I 'ave anovvah 37 pairs o' white pants. *opens cupboard* Hmm... *screams*

AURA: *walks back in* What?!?

PETE: Me white pants 'ave all gone MISSIN'!

AURA: *rolls eyes* Brandy? *offers Pete a bottle*

PETE: *crying* 'Ow can you even fink about BRANDY at a taime laike this?!?

AURA: *raises eyebrows* Wow. You refused Brandy! This must really be upsetting you! *opens the bottle*

PETE: Nononononononononono!!!

(KEITH, JOHN, ROGER, PETE and AURA are sitting around the kitchen table discussing the disappearance of PETE's pants)
KEITH: 'Ooh would want tah steaw Paits bleddy pants anyway?

JOHN: *nods*

ROGER: Cor, I jast 'ope no-one tries tah steaw me fringe!

AURA: *giggles*

PETE: Why? Why me PANTS?!? Me white PANTS?!?

AURA: Duh, 'cause you weren't wearing them?

KEITH: I don' wanna know 'at...

PETE: *pouts* I want me PANTS BACK!

ROGER: I mean, if someone stowe me fringe...

JOHN: Shurrup Rog.

KEITH: I 'ope they don' come back!

ROGER: And what if they liked me fringe so mach they came back fer MORE?!?

(JOHN, KEITH, PETE and AURA all stare at ROGER)

ROGER: Wha'?

PETE: Look, we were discassin' what tah do abaht me PANTS!

AURA: Take 'em off! *claps at her own pathetic joke*

KEITH: Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! *covers eyes*

ROGER: And if they laike Pete's pants, an' me fringe... then they maight cam aftah Jun's BLACK!

JOHN: WHAT?!? *gasps* Not me BLACK! Anyfin' but me BLACK!

ROGER: Yeh, an' then they'll go aftah Moonie's mod stuff, and Aura's... Aura what d'you wear?

AURA: Me green woolhat. *places hands on head as to protect GREEN WOOLHAT*

PETE: Oh fuck this! *walks off*

AURA: What was that all about?

KEITH: *shrugs*


(One week later. PETE is sitting in front of the TV, still pant-less, with a bottle of BRANDY)

AURA: *enters lounge* Pete! Put some pants on man!

PETE: *burps* No!

AURA: Yes!


AURA: Yes!


AURA: Yes!


AURA: *screams* YES!!!!!!!

PETE: *scared* O'right... *slouches off to room*

(THE WHO--> on stage, PETE wearing plain blue jeans*

PETE: It's jas' not that same...

ROGER: Shut up fer a minute... We're about to start!

JOHN: My Generation, right?

KEITH: YEH!!!!!!!!!!!

(The Who--> perform MY GENERATION, but it is a terrible performace. The bass, vocals and drumming are fantastic, but the lead guitar...)

ROGER: PAIT! Yah wankah, yah screwed us up royally!

JOHN: I didn't know anyone could play that bad.

KEITH: I mean really dear boy, what do the white pants do?

PETE: *eyes filling with tears* They jas' 'ELP ME! I can't perform wif'out me white PANTS! *runs off crying*

AURA: *down in the audience* YOU SUCK!


(THE WHO-->'s dressing room, PETE is sitting in a chair, crying)

PETE: *cries* I miss me PANTS!

(Knock on door)

PETE: Sod off...

(Door opens)

Aura: *enters room* Pait, I 'ave a pressie fer you!

PETE: Go 'way... Don' wanna fucking present, I want me PANTS!

AURA: *rolls eyes* Just open it! *hands PETE a large wrapped parcel*

PETE: *listlessly opens parcel* Oh my GOD! It's-it's-it's-


PETE: *pulls a pair of WHITE PANTS out of parcel* I'm gonna put them on now! *pulls jeans off*

AURA: *ogling PETE in his semi-nakedness* Ooooooh baby!

PETE: *grinning* WHITE PANTS! *runs out of dressing room*

Aura: Well 'e's sure 'appy!


(THE WHO--> are yet again onstage)

ROGER: Magic Bus!

PETE: YEH!!!!!!!

(As the song ends, Pete goes into a wild guitar solo, upstaging even KEITH, but ROGER gives AURA a thumbs up)

JOHN: And now 'e's back tah normaw.


(The next morning, at home, we see KEITH, AURA, PETE and JOHN sitting at the kitchen table)

ROGER: *yelling from upstairs* Hey... what 'appened to me FRINGE?!?

KEITH, AURA, PETE and JOHN: Oh... fuck...

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