Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
Disclaimer - Don't sue me. Please.

Home | &&& | Billy's Ark | Ramble. | Good Charlotte | *Tessa and Aura* | Steve's International Best-Seller | "The Punk And the Drill Sergeant." | "Sex, Drugs and Apple Pie." | "They Are All In Love." | Pointless Fiction | "John's Analysis Of Everyone." | "Pete's Analysis Of Everyone." | "One At A Time" | "One At A Time Part Two" | One, two. Count 'em. One. Two! | "LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!" | Updates (Updated 29th/30th December 2003.) | "John Entwistle Goes To Heaven" | Drunk Songs | Guestbook | All Around Aura | Quotes and Convos | The White Pants | Disclaimer | Lost? Guide!


If you tried to get any money by claimed your rights to anything on my site you would get:

A. An acoustic guitar (or three) with my name written on the back.

B. 70 cents the next door neighbour gave me to take my brother out for ice-cream 'cause Mam was skint.

C. Printed off copies of Nicky's song "I'm A Townshend Whore" The Who-->'s "Sunrise", "Anyway Anyhow Anywhere", "Silas Stingy", hand written lyrics to "Long Live Rock", The Monkees "I'm A Believer", "Last Train To Clarkesville", "Sometime In the Morning" and Jessi's fanfic "Whiskey Men" that she sent me.

D. The notebooks I'm using to write my fanfic "A Present Aura" in, and I need them! It's 162 pages long, I ain't giving up now!

E. The snare drums that sits in the middle of my room that I constantly trip over because it is detached tfrom the rest of the kit.

F. My beloved vinyl of "Empty Glass" I loved it to bits and I'm sooooooo madly in *heart* with the picture on the back.

And credits:

All pictures were borrowed from other peoples sites. I think most of the Who pics were taken from Armenia City in the Sky (link at the bottom of the page, go there, it's THE BEST site!).

However the picture of the three Townshend brothers was taken without permission from, so if he ever comes on here and tells me to take it down, I will! (By the way, if you do come on here Simon, you're HOT!)

All Monkees pics (so far) were taken from EHMI (link at the bottom) one of the best, no, THE BEST Monkees site on the net.

I think the picture of me on my about me page was scanned by Jessi Redding so I think that's copyright her.

"John Entwistle Goes To Heaven" is copyright Nickeleh Entwistle, she has all the rights to that story. READ IT NOW!

"I Still Call the bar My Home" is copyright to a guy from my old school who--> lives across the road from me called John Patrick Gauntlet. But for now he's just J.P. or Japes.

That's all. Thankee for reading this much! LMAO!

All links to any website mentioned are now longer here. They have all been moved to the links page. Thank you!