Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
Updates (Updated 29th/30th December 2003.)

Home | &&& | Billy's Ark | Ramble. | Good Charlotte | *Tessa and Aura* | Steve's International Best-Seller | "The Punk And the Drill Sergeant." | "Sex, Drugs and Apple Pie." | "They Are All In Love." | Pointless Fiction | "John's Analysis Of Everyone." | "Pete's Analysis Of Everyone." | "One At A Time" | "One At A Time Part Two" | One, two. Count 'em. One. Two! | "LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!" | Updates (Updated 29th/30th December 2003.) | "John Entwistle Goes To Heaven" | Drunk Songs | Guestbook | All Around Aura | Quotes and Convos | The White Pants | Disclaimer | Lost? Guide!

This groovy pad was first cranked up on:
Saturday 27th of July 2002

This groovy pad was last redecorated on:
Monday the 29th of December 2003

(I'm taking a guess here. I don't actually know what the day is, or what the date is either. I was counting back days from Thomas' birthday last week, but I can't remember if it was 3 days ago or 4 days ago so it might be the 30th today. I don't know.

Tuesday the 30th of December (yes, I updated yesterday AND today!)
I found out what the day was yesterday. Monday. I don't suck that much, do I?
But seeing as I was putting today and yesterday, I'll leave yesterday's update notices up.
I made a new page, a guide page and did off with the links. There's a new fic up and I added some stuff to the "about me" page. Ace on that.

Happy New Year!

Monday 29th December - Tuesday 30th December (I don't know which.)

Dude it's been a long time since I've updated. Seeing as, you know, it was May last time and now it's DECEMBER. I don't actually know what day it is today. It's either Monday the 29th of December, or quite possibly Tuesday the 30th. Supposedly me and deh Billeh are going to see some weird Shakespearian play majiggy (I'm talking like Jessica. Help me.) on the 31st, but I don't know if that's tomorrow or the day after.

Anywho, this update isn't about that. I revamped, re-did the... uh, I changed links, added some new stuff to
"LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!", I'm about to go re-do All Around Aura, I changed the links to the pages, so now they make sense (yay!) and I changed the title (again.). We are now on the 5th incarnation. Ace on us. [thumbs up]

24th. May. 2003.
Updated again! Updated the pictures on the front page. The Gods had to be re-done. Moonie's website (that I nicked the pics from.) has closed down. So the pics didn't work. Fred has a new God, jeez, I swear he's as fickle as Moonie with the Gods! (No offence!)
Added a page about Good Charlotte.
Motivation Proclamation: The Young And The Hopeless 
and another page,
Ramble., which you need to read to understand.

*~*~*4th May 2003*~*~*
I know, I know, two months, three days since the last update. Two new pages,
*Tessa and Aura* and Some Useless Information. *Tessa and Aura* is, obviously, about me and her and Some Useless Information is just that. Read to find out.
"LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!", with some words from me and Tessa.
We got a cat today. We feel special.
Renamed the website again. It's now 4th Starr: Rock And Roll Sunrise. Tessa (4th.), Aura (Starr.). I named it after me and Tessa.
I'll update more. Soon.
I promise.

~*~1st March, 2003~*~
Happy birthday Roger Daltrey!!!
Woog! Congratulate me everyone! I updated! With a story written by my very good friend Shtevie!!!
(Don't worry, the page title has nothing to do with the story!)
And at some point in December Jessi added a page:
"See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me, Heal Me"
Look out for more updates!

16th of November 2002
Yes I realise it's been nearly a MONTH since my last update, but I've been busy!
"The Punk And the Drill Sergeant."
"Sex, Drugs and Apple Pie."
"They Are All In Love."
All by Nicky and
A Bladdy Long Fanfiction
co-written by me and
Changed the website title from Moon Starr Galaxy: Rock And Roll Sunrise to Groovylicious: Rock And Roll Sunrise
It's my BIRTHDAY in 16 days and counting!!!

~*~19th October 2002~*~
Added two new pages.
"John's Analysis Of Everyone."
written by Nicky, and
"Pete's Analysis Of Everyone."
written by Kimmy!
Nicky's story is first, so go check that out before reading Kimmy's!
Added a new bit of text to the home page. Yes, we do have a sister site! Say hello to my best friends website,
Don't worry, I'm working on Fred's God on the home page. I'll fix it today or tomorrow and have him change it so I can definately get a pic that works!

~*~13th October~*~
Changed the site title from Psychedelic Bah The 60's: Rock And Roll Sunrise to Moon Starr Galaxy: Rock And Roll Sunrise. Wasn't happy with the Psychedelic Bah The 60's bit meself.
Updated my Beatles (and other stuff) page,
It's its birthday today. Happy b'day *PEPPERLAND*!

Hey again. Mam and Diddy at hospital, me at home with internet on. Me and Jen are working on our fanfic at the moment, and here's todays updates!
Random Botticelli Disease: La la la la!
"One At A Time Part Two"
"LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!" (Again!)
The quick and easy way to get out of here as soon as possible.
3 new pages and updated the dictionary as I do most days! See yah!

Yo people! Jackson's back in hospital so I'm home alone. Much time to update!
Added a new page JUST for Jessi!
Check it out:
"It's a God... It's a Cheese Doodle... It's.... An Exploding Peach?!"
Updated "LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!"
And something on the home page which I'm sure all noticed (In case you didn't, it's Jessi's God!): Psychedelic Bah The 60's: Rock And Roll Sunrise
Bye for now!

Hello. Today is Tuesday the 1st of October and I'm still bored. I updated
"LOOK IT UP, DAMN IT!" and My name is TOMMY and I... no wait, it's Aura!. So Go check them out!

This is Monday the 30th of September and I'm BORED.
Schools out for summer, erm, spring and I've just spent all day on the 'net, chatting and updating. Twice!
First update:
Today, I did what I've been meaning to do for ages. Created my own, personal dictionary. Filled with all those stupid words I love saying that don't appear to make any sense, made up by me and my friends!
Check it OUT! Oooh, and added a few more people to 'Thank You's' at the bottom of this page!
Second update: Ok, added a new fanfic by Nicky "One At A Time", then made a page I've been meaning to for ages, "One, two. Count 'em. One. Two!" which is actually kidna interesting and I'm gonna update it 'cause I have a habit of makin' new stuff up that relates to it. Right Cin, Saffo, Sarz and Fin?

Today (16th September), I added a new page. A Present Aura - A Rip Off
I was REALLY bored and I started doing this yesterday while I waited for news on my brother INSTEAD of chewing my nails off, so I decided to MST a fanfic.
Unfortunatly my computer smegged up and I lost it TWICE and had to re-do it, so this took me a while! Please read it! I typed it three times!
Ooh and updated Jessi's God on the home page!

24th August: Added an Updates, Disclaimer, Alcohol is...  and "John Entwistle Goes To Heaven". Yeh yeh yeh, four new pages. And updated If you knew what was on here you wouldn't click the link!
Ooh, and a big happy birthday for yesterday to:
1. The dog. Blue Kelly, he's 3 in human years 21 in dog years  
2. Keith Moon who would be 56 but due to special circumstances is forever 32!
Today to MY BABY BROTHER JACKSON who is 8 years old!
Everyone sign the guestbook and wish Jackson a very happy birthday!

"Givin' shouts to mah peeps, and this is what we say..." - Complicated, Good Charlotte.

Jeremy Apthorp for talking about guitars with me and being my friend since we were 8 and 9. Even if I AM in the year above you.

Cindy Teo for being my friend at the beginning of the year when no-one else wanted to and insulting Carlo just as much as I do!

Rosie Flory for signing the guestbook at school the other day when we  were on the computer together reading The White Pants and laughing our arses off. And for saying The White Pants was funny. Even if your guestbook entry is under a scream, not a name.

Steson Lo for signing the guestbook and putting the very first entry in it, even if it was a private entry. Also for saying this website was even weirder than *PEPPERLAND*, my other website.

Jen, whom unfortunately is no longer with us, for helping me be a Who fan, and writing that fic with me, and just being one of my best friends -ever.
Kate Fleming for letting it slip you even visited my site (because you wanted the address, you must've wanted to go there then!). And for just being ace 'cause your one of the best out there.

Abby dear girl for being there for me 'cause I love you so much and I dunno what I'd do without you.

And last but not least, Aine. 'Cause you and Abby are my lives, I love you guys so much and I dunno what I'd do without the pair of you. Aine, you rock so hard. I love you so much.