Tree Fiddy: Rock And Roll Sunrise
"They Are All In Love."

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"They Are All In Love."

By Nickeleh Entwistle

 It was a cold November day in England. The sky was gray and it had rained. But inside the Moonie mansion it was awfully warm and cozy.
 Keith was curled up in front of the fireplace, nude, sleeping away. John Entwistle was wrapped up in a blanket with three girls next to him. Pete Townshend was in bed with Kim and Aura. Roger, who had turned straight again after Elton John had made a pass at him, was wooing a few more girls as they all sat in a circle playing "Spin the Bottle". Yes, it was a perfect day at the Moonie mansion.
 Nicky sat on the loveseat with Graham. He desperately wanted to apologise and talk to her, but she was being defiant.

 John, Olivia, Christina, and Jo were huddled beneath a huge blanket. John whispered sweet nothings to the girls, which caused them to giggle insanely.
 "Well, I think you're all very cute." he said. The girls blushed.
 "Oh, Junny! You're so cute, too!" they giggled in unison. The four of them continued to share secrets, or whatever the hell they were doing under that blanket.

 Karen walked over to Keith, who was still sleeping soundly. She poked at the fire, which was half out.
 "The fire needs more wood." she stated. Nicky looked at her.
 "I'll get it." she replied. The tall brunette stood up, walked to the coat rack, and put on her Army jacket. Graham followed her.
 "I'll go with you." he said. Nicky shrugged. He'd follow her anyway whether she wanted him to or not. So, she waited for him to put on his black trench coat.

 Upstairs, Pete had his face buried in his pillow. He was sobbing uncontrollably.
 "Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend!" Kim shrieked, "What in the world is wrong?" Pete just continued to sob.
 "Come on, Pete, tell us." Aura said. Pete looked at them.
 "I 'ate my fuckin' nose!" he screamed. Kim sighed in disgust.
 "How many times do we have to tell you that your nose is beautiful?" she asked. Aura smiled.
 "Yeah, I don't nibble it for no reason, you know!" she cheered. Kim burst into hysterical laughter.

 "Oh! Alex! You get to kiss Roger!" Sara exclaimed. Alex made a disgusted face.
 "Wow, great. The man I despise I get to kiss." she said. Roger sarcastically laughed.
 "Everyone wants to kiss me!" he said. Alex smiled.
 "Yes, we know. Even Elton John!"

 Graham stood in the doorway of the wood shack where he and Nicky were. He walked in, and took the logs out of Nicky's arms.
 "Get the hell off of me, Gray." she said. He looked at her.
 "I was just trying to help." he corrected, "It's too cold for you to be out here. Why don't you go in, and I'll get these? I mean, you already have a bit of a cold. I could check you over if you like."
 Nicky sighed as she wiped her nose on the sleeve of her jacket. Graham shifted the logs to his left arm, and with his free hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a tissue.
 "Here." he said.
 Just then, a gust of wind blew the door shut.

 Keith had just woken up. He stood, stretched and smiled.
 "Good mornin', world! I am 'ere wif my bright smilin' face to greet you all." he yawned.
 "Put some fuckin' clothes on!" Roger screamed, "I don't want to see your mini-me!"
 "I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a few girls shouted.
 Keith smiled and did a studly pose.
 "You are just jealous, Rogah. You aren't 'alf the man I am. In fact, sometimes I wondah if you are really a man." Keith stated as he happily danced to the kitchen to retrieve his morning bottle of brandy.

 "My nose is not beautiful!" Pete screamed. He picked up a pair of scissors that had been sitting on the bathroom counter.
 "I'll cut the fucking thing off! That's what I'll do!" he shrieked. Kim gasped.
 "Pete, no! Your nose is your trademark! Kinda like Keith's ass is his trademark!" she exclaimed. Aura burst into tears.
 "It's a hostage situation!" she screamed, "Pete's gonna kill his nose! Help! Help!"
 Kim wrestled with Pete to get the scissors from him.
 "Gimme the fuckin' scissors, Townshend!" she yelled. Pete held them over her head, then ran into the bathroom. He locked the door.

 Nicky struggled with the bolt on the door of the shack.  Her hand were practically numb.
 "It's jammed." she said. Graham pulled a pair of gloves from his coat.
 "Here, you put these on, and let me get it. I don't need them. Don't argue with me, just take them." Graham went to work on the bolt, jerking it until he cut himself on the cold metal.
 "Fuck!" he screamed. He looked at his hand. Across his palm was a gash where he'd slit his hand on the cold metal. He knelt down, and began fishing in his pocket for a handkerchief. Nicky too knelt down by him, she put her hand on his shoulder, and then took his bleeding hand in hers. Graham pulled the handkerchief out.
 "Let me do it." Nicky murmured. She pulled off the gloves.

 John was still entertaining the young girls. Every once in awhile, he'd go into a tickle attack. Tickling all of them till they couldn't breathe really entertained John. Of course, being in the middle of three beautiful girls REALLY entertained John!

 "Pete, come out of the bathroom!" Aura screamed.
 "No! I'm gonna cut my fucking nose off. I hate the fucker!" Pete yelled. Kim was sobbing hysterically.
 "I don't! I love that nose!"
 Aura sighed.
 "Hey, Kim. At least he's not gonna cut his ya-ya off!" she said.

 Nicky gently wrapped Graham's hand. For the first time that day, she gave him a look of love and affection. She then took the gloves Graham had given her, and helped him put one on his wounded hand.
 "You need them more than me now." she said. Nicky looked into his eyes. You really couldn't tell Graham was effeminate till you looked at his eyes. For some reason, you could always tell by his eyes, but they were beautiful. She leaned forward, pressing her cold lips against his. Graham breathed deeply as he kissed her, and was in shock that Nicky was easing him onto the ground so that he was on his back. She pulled away from him, and stared at him as she caressed his cheek.
 "I've missed you, Gray." she admitted.

 "Elton John does not want to kiss me." Roger said. He was half in tears. Was it his fault that he was so hot that even Elton wanted him? Sara was in utter shock that she was seeing Roger cry.
 "Roggiekins! You're nothing but a big, overgrown bawl-baby!" she yelled. She picked up the bottle they'd been using during their game and whacked Rog on the head.
 "That'll learn 'im." Alex muttered.

 "How could you say that at a time like this, Aura?" Kim asked angrily. Aura smiled.
 "Well, I mean, that's one way to look at it. I mean, if he did that, we'd be screwed." she replied, "Wait, I mean, we wouldn't be screwed! Oh, you know what  I mean!"
 Pete could hear everything that the girls were saying. Why didn't they just shut the fuck up and leave him alone? Maybe he wanted to be by himself for awhile. Yes, that would be nice. Being alone with his ugly nose and his horrible insecurity.
 "SHUT THE FUCK UP! BOTH OF YOU!" he screamed from inside the bathroom, "OR I *WILL* CUT OFF MY YA-YA!"

 Graham was still kissing Nicky. He had his arms around her, holding her close in the cold. It had taken all this to bring them together in a way that they should have been before.
 *I'm so stupid.* Graham thought, * I love her. But after hurting her so badly, she'll probably never take me back! God, I'm and idiot! A complete egnoramous!* He let Nicky's kisses drift from his lips to his neck, and then he sat up.
 "I guess we really should get out of the cold." he whispered.

Karen and Keith were in the kitched arguing over his actions of raiding the fridge.
 "Put that back, Keith! That's for tomorrow! And put some clothes on!" she yelled.
 Keith stuck his tongue out at her.
 "No! You're not my mother! You can't tell me what I can and cannot do!" he stated boldly. She slapped him across the face.
 "No, I'm not your mother. I'm glad I'm not. You're so fucking immature for your age! You're 20 years old,and you act like your five!" she hissed. Keith looked at her, then for some odd reason, threw his arms around her and kissed her.

 Kim and Aura had shut up. They heard the unbolting of the bathroom door, and Pete walked out in his Union Jack boxers.They threw their arms around him and smothered him with kisses.
 "Oh, Pete! We love you!" they sobbed. He made his way to the bed with the girls clinging to him.
 "Well, I love you too. Now, serve me my breakfast in bed." he said evilly!

 NIcky threw herself against the door of the shack. When that didn't work, she kicked it. Finally, after only a few hundred tries, it opened. She carried the wood, and Graham followed. Once inside, she threw the wood by the fireplace, and the two quickly ran upstairs to her room. Nicky bandaged Graham's hand, and the two spent the afternoon together, cuddling and whispering as lover's do.

 Kim and Aura served Pete his *breakfast* in bed. They weren't seen for 2 days afterwards, and people still wonder what really went on for those 2 days.

 John and the girls soon retreated to his room. There, they were said to have played John's favorite fame of kinkiness, "Spider Web". In this game, John would draw a big web on his wall, tie the girls in the middle of it, and dress a huge spider. The rest is too horrible to think about.

 Roger never woke up that day. Sarah reportedly felt so awful for what she'd done, that she was depressed for 2 weeks afterwards. Alex was glad that Roger had gotten what he deserved!

As for Keith and Karen, they still hug in the kitchen. Keith listened to her, and finally put some clothes on...

(C) Nickeleh Entwistle 2002